
The Gishur Center utilizes “interest-based mediation” where we focus not on a winner and a loser, but on finding a situation that’s of mutual interest to both parties. The true goal of mediation is to retain a sense of respect for both parties, no matter what the issue is. We use creative problem solving techniques, brainstorming, discussion and counseling/coaching techniques to find out exactly what your needs are, and what you hope to achieve, so that we can work together on a goal. We help you find the best solution for what may seem to be an unresolvable problem. For more information, or to schedule a consultation, feel free to contact the Gishur Center.

Disagreements, conflicts and disputes are part of everyday life. Sometimes, we need help in managing a conflict or arriving at a resolution that will be acceptable to all parties and will endure over time.

Gishur Center

The Gishur Center is a provider of a variety of Alternative Despute Resolution (ADR) Services.  The Gishur Center was founded by Rabbi Ely Braun who has dedicated four decades to building bridges to understanding.

 What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which the parties to a conflict agree to appoint a neutral third-party who will assist them in resolving their dispute. Through the examination of their interests and needs, as well as the exploration of creative options, the parties develop mutually satisfactory solutions in a timely and cost-effective manner.


  • Commercial
  • Insurance
  • The Not-for-Profit Sector
  • Employment Conflicts
  • Clergy/Congregation Conflicts
  • Education and Academic Sector
  • Ontario Mandatory Mediation Rules 24.1 and 75.1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure


Family Mediation

  • Divorce and Separation Mediation
  • Get (Issues Relating to Jewish Religious Divorce)
  • Adoption
  • Elder Mediation and End-of-life Decision Making
  • Inheritance


Conflict Resolution Training and Coaching

  • Pre-mediation Coaching
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Conciliation
  • Facilitation
  • Hybrid ADR Programs
  • Couple Communication I (Collaborative Marriage Skills)
  • Couple Communication II (Thriving Together in the SkillsZone)
  • Core Communication for Individuals
