Online raybay-382-e1606137976646Avoid the trafic...chuttersnap-324677-e1606134056656You don't need to look for Parking... waiting-e1606133544358...or wait for Public transportation... bad-weather-e1606129495822... or be concerned about the weather ... rawpixel-com-323215-e1606129432114...You can use any platform... Desktoop, Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone... becca-tapert-391581-e1606129367573...From the Comfort of your Home... jamie-street-121598-1-e1606134680476... or any place with WIFI or other internet connections. For Online Services please Contact us using our Secure Contact Form.You will be sent instructions on the use of Zoom video conferencing.For Online Counseling: Please fill out and submit the ONLINE INTAKE FORM prior to our first session.